Regular Questions 📣

Frequently asked questions

Please contact our support if you have a question that is not answered on this site. You can reach our support on email

Why should I choose EUmail over competitors?
Good quetion. There are some really great products out there already. All users are welcome - but we belive that for European customers we are the safe option when you care about GDPR and want a solution that is developed and delivered entirely from within Europe. No need for special contractual clauses, data privacy framework etc. Eumail is completely european and thus inherently GDPR compliant
Do I need to sign up?
Yes, but you can sign up for FREE and no credit card is needed.
How does free trial work?
First of all - it’s not really a trial but a full free version. There are limitations though. The conditions at the time of your signup will be yours as long as you stay on that plan. We may change conditions on all our plans in the future, but they will only apply to accounts created after the change.
Can I change/cancel my plan?
Yes. You can change and cancel your plan at any time. We reserve the right to delay downgrades until the end of the period currently paid for.
Can I use EUmail with my favorite Email designe program
Yes. You can import HTML templates from 3rd party sources and still use EUmail template logic and dynamic data merge.
Does EUmail work with Zapier
Yes. Please visit our Integrations section to see how.
Do you offer a free plan for your SMTP service?
No. Our SMPT service requires a paid plan. Please contact our sales department via our contact form.
Can I see your Data Processor Agreement?
Yes. Please contact out sales department via our contact form. A signed DPA is available to all our paid plans.